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Anchor 3

With Convention Hall closed and under renovation for the next several years, we now have the opportunity to take the show on the road. We have partnered with many iconic and like minded people and hosted the market at the Brighton Bar, Forgotten Boardwalk Brewery, and outside in Bradley Park. So kee[p a look out for where we will popo up next!


The next market will be in the Kingsley Ballroom at the The Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel across the street from our previous home in Convention Hall.  



Location: The Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel is located at 1401 Ocean Avenue in Asbury Park and the Kingsley ballroom is on the north side of the first floor. 

Kids and pups: Kids under 10 are admitted free, and there is plenty for them to do. Wandering the aisles of unique merchandise is entertaining, and we even have a young one who brings his own milk crate, so he can stand on it to easily peruse the record collections!! In addition, there are bands upstairs, and the kids love to rock out!! However, we are not sitters, and you are responsible and must remain with your child at all times. As for our four legged (and other non-human) friends, we love them, but the building does not permit them in the venue. Of course, certified assist animals wearing their credentials are welcome. 


Other Activities: We know the Punk Rock Flea Market is an awesome destination in and of itself, but there are other things to check out. Don't worry we have you covered. Asbury Park is home to restaurants, bars and lots of shopping. And, of course, the world famous beach and boardwalk!! 


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